I personally spend a lot of my free time on the media. I'd say I consume about three hours of media on average every day. I think the media has exposed me to a lot at such a young age, and I've noticed the kids are getting younger and younger.
Being more aware of my media consumption changes my interaction with media because now, it's easier for me to spot the positives and negatives of media. After taking the class of critical thinker, I can easily spot false advertisements and techniques, and looking through the reviews and comments, all of the people are just eating it up. It's scary to see the impact that ads have and the vulnerability the public has. I can also say that it's easier to not believe everything I see online. I have a fully understanding that everything online is structured and developed, people post what they want us to see not necessarily the reality.
I don't think my media consumption habits have changed this semester. Although I am much more aware of what I am consuming and I can always find connection to what I've learned throughout the semester. I believe it is important to have ,media literacy because, like I said before, it's very easy to be vulnerable online. Society implicitly and explicitly sets so many standards for the public and I think it's easy to get caught up in it all. This can all cause mental illnesses and ultimately do nothing but negative things to our society. Although there is a lot to be grateful of from the media, there is also a darker side that isn't really talked about as much as I believe it should be.
This blog has allowed me to express how I felt about a variety of subjects. It's allowed me to talk about subjects that aren't often confronted. Overall, creating my blog and experiences other's blogs had really educated me on media and has made me more aware of what I consume.